Currently based in Jackson, WY, Kim started her career as an alpine ski coach in the Telluride, CO valley. From there, she made the transition into freeskiing, climbing and ski mountaineering. She is a ski guide for EXUM Mountain Guides, Jackson Hole Mountain Resort Alpine Guides, and Ice Axe Expeditions and was for San Juan Outdoor School, Jackson Hole Mountain Guides, CVA, Babes in the Backcountry and H2O Heli Guides, as well as a 12-year member of the San Miguel County Search and Rescue Team (and Advisory Board member), with medical and rescue certifications.. Kim has skied on all seven continents, with first descents on four, and she has adventured in over 50 countries. During her travels, she has climbed and skied big peaks in the Himalaya and the Karakorum, the Arctic and the Antarctic, as well as the highest mountains across the Americas. In 2006, Kim onsighted and skied the Grand Teton (& Mt Moran's Skillet) in 48 hours; in 2012, Kim was the first woman to ski the Otterbody route, and in 2013 she was the first woman to ski-guide the Grand Teton.
Discipline: Skiing, Mountaineering
Hometown: Telluride, CO
Currently Living: Jackson, WY
Height: 5'8"
When did you first start skiing?
Around age two
What do you most enjoy about your sport?
The freedom
How do you define success?
A day that makes you content and happy
What are you most proud of, either in life, your sport or both?
Having a dream and sticking with it
Who are your heroes?
The authentic dedicated mountain athletes out there
What inspires you?
Passion, commitment, dedication, humility, and kindness
What are your hobbies outside of your sport?
Climbing, writing, photography, running, horseback riding
What’s your guilty pleasure?
I like whiskey and pedicures
What are your hidden talents?
I fancy myself an artist at times but haven’t had much time lately to create.
Tell us about your most favorite place in the world:
Never had a favorite as each place and experience is so very unique.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be, and why?
I think there are probably a few things that could use improvement, but I don’t want to bore others with my shortcomings.
Tell us about a time in your life when you have been scared:
I try not to get in positions where I am truly scared – channeling fear in a productive way is part of moving in the mountains. That said, I feel fear a lot but try to manage it or change circumstances so that I can alleviate the feeling.
Describe your perfect day:
A beautiful, steep skiing objective in great conditions top to bottom with my favorite ski partners, beers at the car, homemade dinner with friends, and then a relaxing evening with my boyfriend and our dog, Goose.
How would your friends describe you?
Hmmm not sure, I’ll have to ask.