Kate's passion for the environment she loves exploring as a climber lead her to co-found Farm To Crag a nonprofit inspiring climbers to invest in local sustainable food to fuel healthy bodies, support vibrant crag side communities and reverse climate change
Kate's adventures in wild lands all started in rural Alaska in 1981. In her infant years, Kate's family built a homestead on a ridge near Tok Junction with a view of the glittering Alaska Range. The year’s activities followed the seasons, outside play in the midnight summer sun, cranberry picking in the fall, dog sleds and art projects in the winter and wildflower admiring in the spring. Thus, as a child, she became capable in almost any environment. The skills of Kate's youth were a springboard into her life as a climber. She loves to be outside all the time, and the ability to make herself at ease and be confidant in any weather lets her focus on the wild climbing at hand and the beauty it leads to.
Discipline: Rock Climbing
Hometown: Vashon Island, WA
Currently Living: Living: Bishop, CA
Height: 5'7"+
Career Highlights:
Mate Porro y Todo Lo Demas, North Pillar, 900m 6c Fitz Roy, Argentina w/ Sorkin
Completing the 7 summits of the Fitz Roy Skyline, Argentine, Patagonia
The Washington Route, First Ascent 5.10 A2 50°, Fitz Roy, Argentina w/ Schaefer
Freerider, El Cap VI 5.12+ Yosemite, CA w/Sorkin
War and Poetry, VI 5.12 A0 Ulamatorsuaq, Greenland w/Caton
Keeper of the Flame, 5.13 Yosemite, CA
Optimator, 5.13 Indian Creek, UT
When did you first start climbing?
I started climbing in 1999.
What do you most enjoy about your sport?
I love being outside and up high with big vistas and an amazing community.
How do you define success?
Having fun while interacting intimately with a beautiful environment that challenges me.
What are you most proud of, either in life, your sport or both?
I am quite proud that Madaline Sorkin and I climbed the North Pillar of Cerro Fitz Roy in Argentine Patagonia. We both get so cold and scared, it is proud that we left the ground!
Who are your heroes?
Lynn Hill, Brittany Griffith and Hayden Kennedy
What inspires you?
Beautiful crack climbs.
What are your hobbies outside of your sport?
Art. Jewelry making (suspendedstonedesign.com), painting and drawing
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Potato chips
What are your hidden talents?
Fly fishing
Tell us about your most favorite place in the world:
Sitting on the stoop of my little airstream trailer.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I am still pretty childlike, always trying to figure the answer to that one out.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be, and why?
I wish I could sing.
Tell us about a time in your life when you have been scared:
I am always a little scared!
Describe your perfect day:
Tea and an egg, spinach, cheese sandwich for breakfast, climbing until dark with friends in perfect temps, dinner including but not limited to kale and red wine, sleep.